We Have To Dump Today

September 30, 2023 – Traveling With Rich & Julie

One of the everyday ordinary mundane activities of living life in an RV motorhome is that you must dump the tanks, which means driving to an RV dump station.

There are two separate tanks. The gray water tank consists of the drains from the sinks in the kitchen and bathroom and the shower drain.

The black water is the toilet only.

When we park in our daughter’s driveway or yard, we have water and electricity but no sewer line. This requires us to close up the motorhome and pull out about every two weeks to drive somewhere and go dump the tanks.

I bought a book titled RV Dump Stations last year that lists places where you can dump either for free or for a small fee all across America.

That’s how I discovered that our local fairground allows travelers to pull in and dump for free. It is only about six miles away.

One time we pulled into the fairground and there was a sign on the station that said, “The dump is full. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

Now what?

There are two local campgrounds in our area so I called them to ask if they would allow us to dump. Only one of them had a station for dumping and said they charged $5. That’s not bad at all.

The other campground was smaller and only had sewer hookups in each individual campsite, so their answer was no.

Our current RV is nice but it is twenty years old now and we have been having a lot of problems with it recently, such as mechanical issues like the throttle body, serpentine belt, exhaust manifold, etc. Expensive issues.

I think we are both concerned about leaving home and heading south for the winter, but we can’t wait too long.

Rich works hard to keep the RV running right. Today will be a beneficial drive to make sure it sounds ok and everything is working fine before embarking on another season of traveling.

My knee is about as healed as it is going to get. It still hurts when I walk, but at least I can walk now. I will always have this limp and need to wear a knee support brace, but I am tired of sitting at home.

PS — it stinks when we dump. I am so glad Rich doesn’t make me do it. I would probably gag. 🤮

Thanks for reading my dumb story…I mean my dump story. 😃


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