Beach Birds of Southern Alabama

December 20, 2023 – Traveling with Rich & Julie

A photo story of many birds in one place

We were shocked to see so many different breeds of birds in one place at a remote beach just west of the main Gulf Shores Beach. From Gulf Shores, we headed west on 182 and found a public parking area with access to the beach.

We found great blue herons, brown pelicans, willets, sanderlings, and seagulls all in one place.

We have seen several great blue herons while here, and I will never tire of photographing them. They are beautiful birds.

This one was sitting not too far from where we were walking and then it took to flight. I was fortunate enough to catch a photo of him in flight that was not blurry.

He flew to the nearest building and perched on the roof.

As we neared the beach we saw several pelicans resting on the sea wall.

The pelicans were not too bothered by us and were fun to watch. These are brown pelicans. The brown pelican and the American white pelican are the only two species seen on the southern Alabama coast.

The juveniles are brown all over and the adults have a white head and neck.

The willet is common in all areas of the Gulf Coast of Alabama. They are basically an extra-large sandpiper. We are seeing them everywhere we go.

I must declare myself a bird watcher. I am a person who enjoys watching and observing birds in their natural habitat.

Seagulls are common near any type of water. I was surprised to find out there are several types of gulls found on the Alabama coast. Google says the photo above is a white gull and the photo below is a laughing gull.

The sanderlings are also plentiful here on the southern coast of Alabama.

They are small wading birds and are fun to watch as they scurry along the beach sticking their long beak into the sand to find food. They are also part of the sandpiper family.

Before we left, the great blue heron came back and landed nearby as if to say so long. He stayed put while we walked by and allowed me to take several more photos of him. Who knows if this was the same bird or not, but I can pretend it was him.

I hope you enjoyed seeing the many birds of the southern Alabama coast as much as we did. Thanks for stopping by.

RV Life Daily Blog 12/13/23

December 14, 2023 – Traveling with Rich & Julie

It was another day in paradise —

We stayed inside and slept late this morning and then had a delicious brunch of eggs, sausage, and fried potatoes. It was a beautiful, sunny day, high of 65, mild and warm. Too nice to stay inside. So after late morning showers we headed out the door to get out of the RV.

The first stop of the day was a billboard just down the road. I had to get a photo of the Wacked Out Weiner billboard for a writing prompt about restaurants and stores with naughty names on

After that, we found a small wetland park to visit.

The entrance to this walking/hiking park is located at the base of the water tower at the Gulf Shores Sportsplex. The Sports area has playing fields for soccer, baseball, tennis, and even pickleball.

This loop gravel path travels around a fishing pond, benches, gazebos, and a fishing pier for a quiet way to enjoy these natural wetlands.

It was a nice day for a short walk. Not too windy and no jacket was required. We didn’t see any birds or fish or turtles or anything here, but it was a beautiful and peaceful area to explore.

All of the photos in my posts are taken by me on my iPhone.

I am always intrigued by the Spanish Moss in the huge oak trees in the southern part of the United States. There is something beautiful, yet eerie about it.

We drove around and explored Oyster Bay and found this flock of pelicans in the water as we passed over a bridge.

I also saw a great blue heron along the side of the road but I wasn’t quick enough to zoom in and get a good picture of it at 55 mph. This one is a little blurry.

Next, we headed to the Orange Beach Waterfront Park. Open to the public year-round, this beautiful family park is located on scenic Wolf Bay. I always look for these public areas to visit. Most of the time they are beautiful and well worth the time.

And we were not disappointed with this park. The 400-foot fishing pier in the photo above was completely rebuilt after being destroyed by Hurricane Sally in 2020. It just reopened last December.

There is a huge lawn chair on the deck which is perfect for photo opportunities. It is large and spacious, so you can easily fit multiple people in it for a group photo. The chair is heavy and sturdy, so you don’t have to worry about it tipping over. The best part is that you can get some great background scenery in your photos.

We find these large chairs all around the country. I wonder if that is just a United States thing or do other countries have tourist spots like this too?

We saw some pelicans flying around as we enjoyed the park. They flew by us once, turned around, and passed by us again so I took their picture. Then we headed to the ocean side of Orange Beach which is only two miles from the bay side. We pulled into the Cotton Bayou parking lot.

Even though the flags were red for rip currents today, the wind was mild and warm and it was nice walking along the beach.

The two birds we saw at this beach included a sanderling and a willet.

I am always searching for seashells but have been quite disappointed so far. 

I just haven’t found anything very special yet besides the small common clam shells.

The beach was so calm and relaxing that we stayed for a while. I did some research on why the beach is so calm and relaxing and decided to put that in a whole separate article.

I don’t know what the price of gas is where you are, but here in southern Alabama, it is down to $2.52. We are thankful for falling gas prices.

After dark we decided to search for some Christmas light displays.

The only thing we found close by and free of charge was the lights at The Wharf and a small housing edition on Fort Morgan Road where every single house was fully decorated.

After we got home I found out that maybe there is a laser light show at 7:00 pm timed to music. We may have to go back and find out.

The tree was pretty and elegant. There is an ice skating rink here too with skating until 10:00 pm.

Today was a great day. Thanks for allowing me to share it with you. See you tomorrow.