RV Life Daily Blog 12/11/23

December 12, 2023 – Traveling with Rich & Julie

Another day in paradise —

It was quite chilly in the RV this morning when we woke up. The temperature dropped to 34 degrees overnight. Sometimes it seems like we just can’t go far enough south to get away from the cold weather anymore.

The sun is shining and there isn’t a cloud in the sky. I remember learning once that clouds at night act like a blanket and when the skies are clear it gets colder at night.

We went for a walk around the campground this morning and I took a picture of the Satsuma Orange tree by the pavilion. The sign says not to pick the oranges until February. We are only here until the end of January and you can bet I am going to pick at least two of them before we leave.

Our campground is near a small airport and nearly every day several small planes fly around in circles for hours. I can only think that these are students learning to fly and need to get in hours of flight time.

It gets annoying before it gets funny. Around and around and around they go. When they will stop nobody knows. We can’t quite figure out why they insist on just circling for several hours. Can’t they fly in a figure-eight or a straight line and then turn around and come back? Neither one of us has ever taken flying lessons so we wouldn’t know.

As we were walking we met some neighbors a few spots down who are also from Ohio. A small town not far from where we call home. No matter where we go we meet new people and make new friends.

(I took this photo the other day when there were some clouds in the sky.)

Then a 2017 diesel Newmar coach from Minnesota pulled in and we met them. Talking to them confirmed our contentment with an older RV. They went into debt to buy it and now wish they hadn’t. It is expensive to drive and he can’t work on it himself. He regrets buying new and going into debt.

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Have you ever seen chestnut brown pigeons? I hadn’t until today. Usually, pigeons look like the first two photos, but there was one brown one in the mix. He looked all fluffy and young but I searched Google Image and it said it is a pigeon. I believe it might be a Rock Pigeon instead of a normal domestic feral pigeon.
I am not sure though because it was the only one in the whole flock of pigeons. I just love driving around new areas and finding different birds and wildlife.
I made a large pot of what we call goulash for supper. It is simply ground beef and onion cooked. Then I add a few cups of beef broth, one can of diced tomatoes, and two cups of macaroni. Add some salt and pepper and let it cook until the macaroni is done.
We played some card games and Rich was a sore loser.
Other than that it was a pretty normal boring day at the RV. Thanks for traveling along with us. See you tomorrow.