We spent the last couple of days at home, but they were far from boring.
On Thursday, we invited some new friends over for grilled hamburgers and homemade French fries.
After eating, we played some cards and games.
On Friday we blew a breaker. It not only made us lose electricity but also the next-door neighbor.
It took the campground maintenance guy and a few of the neighbor guys a while to figure out what happened. They finally had to go through each breaker in each camper until they found out it was our water heater breaker that was causing things to blow.
They finally figured out that our electric heating element blew in the water heater. Still doesn’t make sense why it caused the neighbor guy’s power to go off. He had to run his generator all night long.
Rich spent a couple of hours on Friday trying to get the element out but he didn’t have the right tools; or the right amount of strength. Neither did the maintenance guy.
Well, I take that back; the maintenance guy had the right tool, but it was worn and Rich was afraid it would round off the edges.
We had to run to Home Depot to get the new element which was only $10.98 plus tax. I’m pretty sure the heating element has never been changed in this RV. That makes it 20 years old.
I stayed in the car while Rich ran into all the stores looking for what he needed. The less walking I do right now the better for my right knee.
Home Depot didn’t have the deep socket Rich needed, so then we stopped at Harbor Freight.
Harbor Freight didn’t have the right-sized socket either. Next, we headed to Advanced Auto Parts. No luck there either. Why does nobody sell a simple deep well 1 and 1/2” socket?
While Rich worked on replacing the heating element in the water heater, I did some reading and writing and crocheted on the scarf for my new friend Alex.
Did I tell you that she gave me these three huge rolls of expensive alpaca yarn as long as I made her a scarf before we leave here at the end of the month?
She stated that she bought it in some other country and paid $300 for it. You bet I will make you a scarf and thank you so much for the yarn.
Friday night it stormed and rained. The wind was strong enough that Rich had to put the awning in. We noticed that almost everyone in the campground had put theirs in also.
Thanks for reading about our adventures no matter how boring they are. I’ll keep you posted about the water heater.
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