RV Life Daily Blog – 12/29/2023

Friday, December 29, 2023 – Traveling with Rich & Julie

I haven’t journaled much about the last three days in the RV. I’ve been inspired to write about other things. We took a hiatus from sightseeing for a few days and stayed inside doing nothing too interesting.

Wednesday, the 27th, we drove to Walmart in Foley, picked up some groceries, and ordered our monthly prescriptions for refills.

Thursday, we drove back to Walmart to pick up our prescriptions and decided to get the oil changed in the car. Seems it was past due.

Today is Friday and we are moving across the street. Originally, we were scheduled to only stay in this campground for one month, so we were camped in a spot that was already reserved for January through March.

If you look at the main photo above, you will notice that there is an empty spot beside us, and the people coming in are traveling together and wanting to camp side by side.

When we asked to stay for another month our only option was if we moved to a single spot across the street. Yes, that is fine with us. It makes us feel as if we traveled to a new place.

Previously we were facing west which allowed us to watch the sunset at night when sitting outside under the awning. Now we are facing east and will be viewing the sunrise in the morning with our coffee.

The two empty spots are ready for the new neighbors. I wonder who they are and where they are from.

It is quite chilly here today but the sun is shining and the blue sky is practically cloudless.

We have more shade on this side of the street. That can be a good thing when it’s hot, or not so good when it’s cooler.

We were completely moved and set back up by noon.

I dug out some yarn and decided to crochet while watching television.

I love making things like this. Maybe next year for Christmas everyone will get placemats.

Thanks for letting me share my day with you.


RV Life Daily Blog – 12/15/2023

December 16, 2023 – Traveling with Rich & Julie

The first thing I did this morning was open the window blinds to let the pretty sunshine in.

The second thing I did was spend a couple of hours on Medium reading and writing.

Then I decided I better get some Christmas cards written and mailed. It is the 15th of the month already. Who knows how slow the snail mail delivery will be? If I get the cards in the mail today, the USPS has 10 days to get them to my family.

I was a little sticker-shocked when I asked for four postage stamps and she said $2.66! Excuse me?! I had a half a roll of forever stamps when we moved into the RV and it has taken me two years to use them all. I didn’t realize how expensive they were now.

After the post office, we put gas in the car at $2.49. I remember paying over $6 a gallon when we were in the state of Washington in May of 2022.

With a full tank of gas, we headed south toward Gulf Shores and turned west on Fort Morgan Road.

We stopped at the Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge and walked out on the beach. As the surrounding area becomes increasingly developed, Bon Secour is a natural oasis of wildlands, where wildlife can exist without harm.

The dune areas are off-limits and protected. This is the place to come early in the morning for large seashells. We found some pretty good-sized broken ones.

I also found some large mushrooms along the path and of course, had to take pictures of them.

And then I saw another amazing large oak tree that I just had to get a photo of.

We drove on down to the end of the road at Fort Morgan. Fort Morgan is a State Historical Site so our National Park Pass didn’t work for entrance.

The entrance fee is $8 per adult. We opted out for now and just took photos of what we could see from the road.

This is also the location of the Dauphin Island Ferry that goes back and forth from Fort Morgan to Dauphin Island.

We didn’t take the ferry today. Hopefully another day but it’s a little pricey.

We parked and walked out on the fishing pier. There was a man out there fishing who said he was from Scotland.

Another interesting site that I had to get a picture of was the oil rig just off the coast. I’m not sure if these are oil rigs or natural gas but there were several of them.

The only battery we could see without entering the fort was the Battery Dearborn on the road as we drove past. It was built in 1900 and completed in 1901. It was named after Henry Dearborn who was a distinguished soldier of the Revolutionary War.

We came home, had homemade chili soup for supper, and cleaned our seashell haul of the day.

Then we spent the evening watching Christmas movies on television.

It was another great day living in an RV that is currently parked in Foley, Alabama. Thanks for following along on our journeys.



RV Life Daily Blog 12/11/23

December 12, 2023 – Traveling with Rich & Julie

Another day in paradise —

It was quite chilly in the RV this morning when we woke up. The temperature dropped to 34 degrees overnight. Sometimes it seems like we just can’t go far enough south to get away from the cold weather anymore.

The sun is shining and there isn’t a cloud in the sky. I remember learning once that clouds at night act like a blanket and when the skies are clear it gets colder at night.

We went for a walk around the campground this morning and I took a picture of the Satsuma Orange tree by the pavilion. The sign says not to pick the oranges until February. We are only here until the end of January and you can bet I am going to pick at least two of them before we leave.

Our campground is near a small airport and nearly every day several small planes fly around in circles for hours. I can only think that these are students learning to fly and need to get in hours of flight time.

It gets annoying before it gets funny. Around and around and around they go. When they will stop nobody knows. We can’t quite figure out why they insist on just circling for several hours. Can’t they fly in a figure-eight or a straight line and then turn around and come back? Neither one of us has ever taken flying lessons so we wouldn’t know.

As we were walking we met some neighbors a few spots down who are also from Ohio. A small town not far from where we call home. No matter where we go we meet new people and make new friends.

(I took this photo the other day when there were some clouds in the sky.)

Then a 2017 diesel Newmar coach from Minnesota pulled in and we met them. Talking to them confirmed our contentment with an older RV. They went into debt to buy it and now wish they hadn’t. It is expensive to drive and he can’t work on it himself. He regrets buying new and going into debt.

* * * * *
Have you ever seen chestnut brown pigeons? I hadn’t until today. Usually, pigeons look like the first two photos, but there was one brown one in the mix. He looked all fluffy and young but I searched Google Image and it said it is a pigeon. I believe it might be a Rock Pigeon instead of a normal domestic feral pigeon.
I am not sure though because it was the only one in the whole flock of pigeons. I just love driving around new areas and finding different birds and wildlife.
I made a large pot of what we call goulash for supper. It is simply ground beef and onion cooked. Then I add a few cups of beef broth, one can of diced tomatoes, and two cups of macaroni. Add some salt and pepper and let it cook until the macaroni is done.
We played some card games and Rich was a sore loser.
Other than that it was a pretty normal boring day at the RV. Thanks for traveling along with us. See you tomorrow.

RV Life Daily Blog 12/10/23

December 11, 2023 – Traveling with Rich & Julie

Another day in paradise…

Storms rolling through the area during the night were fierce. The bright lightning followed by loud thunder woke us both up around 2:00 am. The wind was strong. We lay in bed hoping the lawn chairs sitting outside would still be there when we got up in the morning.

And yes, everything was still there. The much-needed rain did no damage here in the campground. But I saw on the news that there were tornadoes in Georgia. Thank goodness we were spared from that.

It was a boring yet relaxing morning drinking coffee and listening to the radio. I did some writing and reading on Medium.

About lunchtime, Rich started his usual rummaging through the cupboards, the refrigerator, and the freezer, and said, “Let’s go grocery shopping.”

We drove to the nearest Dollar General and loaded up on some goodies. When we came back home we settled for toasted cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.

Do you call it toasted cheese? I know a lot of people don’t. Everyone calls it something different. I blame my mother because that’s what she called it so that’s what I learned.

The only interesting thing that happened today was when we were sitting outside. The neighbor’s camper started rocking and pretty soon we heard a female voice begin to ooo and aaa. We could only assume one thing was going on inside that camper and listened as we pretended not to. After about 15 minutes the air conditioner turned on. I guess they were too hot. Then we heard some more ooo’s and aaa’s and just smiled at each other.

We spent the rest of the afternoon inside playing cards and games. It might seem boring to some people but we had fun. Maybe not as much fun as the neighbors did, but fun just the same.

The temperature is dropping and is supposed to get as low as 34 overnight.

Thanks for following along with us. See you tomorrow.