RV Life Daily Blog – 1/13/24

Traveling with Rich & Julie

I am sitting here this morning drinking my coffee inside. It is cloudy and sprinkling.

A few short-lived downpours graced our morning and by noon it was warm and muggy. 71 degrees, sunny, and breezy. A nice day to open the windows finally.

I made a pan of chicken nachos for a late lunch.

It’s very simple. I spread tortilla chips on the pan and cover them with cheese first, then shredded chicken, onions, green and red peppers, tomatoes, and more cheese. Bake in the oven for 10 or 15 minutes. Voila!

Homemade Chicken Nachos. We top them with shredded lettuce and add sour cream and salsa to taste. Yum.

5:00 pm rolled around before we knew it and I realized it was still daylight outside.

I crocheted on my friend’s scarf and think it is almost long enough now. I will ask her to come look at it and let me know for sure before I finish it off.

Another quiet boring day in the RV is in the books.

Hope you all had a great day. Maybe tomorrow will be a little more interesting.

RV Life Daily Blog – 1/8/24

The Stormy Days – Traveling with Rich & Julie

I am combining two days into one post, January 7 and 8. Why? Because it was windy and stormy both days. We stayed home for the most part.

Today is January 8th and we are under high wind warnings, storm warnings, and coastal flood warnings here in southern Alabama. I saw on the weather channel that tornadoes could be possible closer to Mississippi and Louisiana. But that isn’t very far away from where we are.

If you look closely in the photo above you can tell there are raindrops on the windows. It’s been windy and raining most of the day.

Rich went outside and put everything away. He put the awning in, the lawn chairs and tables away as well as anything else that could blow away or get damaged by the wind. We have noticed several of the other campers doing the same thing this morning.

On the radar channel, it looks like the worst of it might miss us thank goodness. My right knee continues to get worse, so the more I stay home and keep it elevated the better.

I crocheted some more on the alpaca scarf for my new friend. It is coming along quite nicely. This is called a v-stitch. It is simple and easy even for beginning crocheters.

I find a lot of free crochet patterns on Pinterest.

Rich and I were playing cards and he said he needed to run to the gas station for a pack of cigarettes. I told him to bring me home something to drink. I didn’t specify.

He came home with something new. A 24 oz. can of Simply Spiked Peach. It is 5% alcohol, kind of like a beer. I’ve never had it before but he knows I liked the Busch Lite Peach when we tried it. I love this. It tastes exactly like carbonated peach juice with a little kick.

I thought the neighbors from Canada had a funny-looking dog until I looked closer and discovered that it was a huge fluffy cat. I’m glad to see that they leash it when letting it out. They have it on a 30-foot leash so it has room to roam. Some campers don’t.

I remember when we camped in the state of Washington, and we heard a horrible catfight outside late at night. The next morning the neighbors told us they were outside and saw it. One cat almost killed the other one. We heard quite a few catfights in that campground.

I don’t feel it is right that they let their cats loose like that. Dogs can’t be let loose, and cats should not be allowed to be loose either.

Either the strong winds affected the wi-fi signal or everyone else stayed in and was overloading it because our television was iffy at best.

We dug out the DVDs and watched movies on the DVD player. We haven’t had to do that for a while. We have a nice DVD binder that we keep them in. We had a lot more DVDs than this, but we sold what didn’t fit. You can buy binders that hold up to 400. I wish I had done that when we moved into the RV. We sold and gave away some great movies.

As the daylight goes away and darkness sets in tonight I have received more warnings on my phone.

We are in the dark yellow high wind warning area only ten miles north of Gulf Shores. Orange Beach is only nine miles away.

The whole time we have been living in the RV and traveling around America, we have never encountered too severe of storms. We’ve been lucky so far.

The RV rocks when the wind is strong.

Hopefully, we survive the night. See you tomorrow.

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RV Life Daily Blog – 12/29/2023

Friday, December 29, 2023 – Traveling with Rich & Julie

I haven’t journaled much about the last three days in the RV. I’ve been inspired to write about other things. We took a hiatus from sightseeing for a few days and stayed inside doing nothing too interesting.

Wednesday, the 27th, we drove to Walmart in Foley, picked up some groceries, and ordered our monthly prescriptions for refills.

Thursday, we drove back to Walmart to pick up our prescriptions and decided to get the oil changed in the car. Seems it was past due.

Today is Friday and we are moving across the street. Originally, we were scheduled to only stay in this campground for one month, so we were camped in a spot that was already reserved for January through March.

If you look at the main photo above, you will notice that there is an empty spot beside us, and the people coming in are traveling together and wanting to camp side by side.

When we asked to stay for another month our only option was if we moved to a single spot across the street. Yes, that is fine with us. It makes us feel as if we traveled to a new place.

Previously we were facing west which allowed us to watch the sunset at night when sitting outside under the awning. Now we are facing east and will be viewing the sunrise in the morning with our coffee.

The two empty spots are ready for the new neighbors. I wonder who they are and where they are from.

It is quite chilly here today but the sun is shining and the blue sky is practically cloudless.

We have more shade on this side of the street. That can be a good thing when it’s hot, or not so good when it’s cooler.

We were completely moved and set back up by noon.

I dug out some yarn and decided to crochet while watching television.

I love making things like this. Maybe next year for Christmas everyone will get placemats.

Thanks for letting me share my day with you.


RV Life Daily Blog – 12/18/2023

December 19, 2023 – Traveling with Rich & Julie

Another day in paradise —

Yes, it really was another day in paradise. The weather here in southern Alabama is so comfortable. Highs in the 60s everyday and sunshine. We get to open the windows and let the fresh air in. I love it. It is nearly perfect, at least for us. We don’t have to run the air conditioning or the heat.

After a weekend of collecting shells on the beaches, which you can read about in the article below, we had to clean them all this morning. We washed the sand off of them outside. We don’t want all that sand going down the drain into the tank of the RV. Then we put them on a towel on the table to dry.

I ended up with quite a haul of shells.

After cleaning the shells, we cleaned the RV. We bring an awful lot of sand inside and it seems our daughter and three grandchildren are going to fly down to see us! They will be here Thursday and stay until Sunday morning for a Christmas visit. We want to make sure the car and the house are nice and clean for them.

We went to the laundry room and did two loads of laundry and then Rich laid down for a nap. He seems to take a lot of naps lately. I think it is because he gets bored. I have so many hobbies and things I can do like writing, drawing, coloring, or even crocheting. He has nothing like that. So when he gets too bored, he sleeps.

Speaking of crocheting, I decided to crochet a garland for our little two-foot Christmas tree today. I decided to use a light green yarn that I had plenty of on hand.

For this small tree, I crocheted a chain of 402. Then all I did was skip the first chain and then put two double crochet in each remaining chain all the way across and it automatically curls on its own.

I love how our little tree is turning out.

I am considering crocheting a small white tree skirt next…

Well, guess what I did before I went to bed…yep, I crocheted a small white tree skirt for the tree. I think it turned out pretty good for just making it up.

Thanks for stopping by to read and share RV life with us.