
Who Is Your Hero and Why?
By Julia A. Keirns

A hero is someone who is distinguished for his exceptional courage, fortitude or bold enterprise. A hero is someone who is idealized for their superior qualities, or deeds of any kind. A hero is someone of great nobility.

Do you have a hero? Is there someone you look up to? Have you ever had to write an essay at school about your hero? Maybe it was titled, “Who is your hero, and why?”

A hero is someone you admire and want to be like. It is someone you strive to model your life after. You desire to be like your hero in all areas of your life. You want to walk like him, talk like him, and think like him. Have you thought of someone yet? I did.

I thought of Jesus. He was a man of great qualities. He was picked on, made fun of, mocked, and persecuted in many ways. He knew what He believed in and he stood firm in his beliefs. When others rebuked him, He remained gentle. Jesus is my hero because He died for me.

Jesus had more courage than most men. He had the courage to go to the cross and die for all the sins of mankind. Can you think of anyone else who might do that? Jesus knew that we could never go through what He went through. That’s why He did it for us, so we wouldn’t have to die for our sins.

Someone who would give his life to save me definitely deserves to be a hero in my book. I would like to walk like him, talk like him, and think like him. I choose Jesus as my hero. Who is your hero, and why?


Storybird review – “Great descriptions of what a hero is and what having someone as your hero means. The qualities that you describe and the reasons you give for your personal choice are well stated and nicely presented. Good work!” Reviewed by SkyBluePurple

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