How to Get Your (Ohio) License to Carry a Concealed Handgun
By Julia A. Keirns
Since I live in Ohio, it seemed only appropriate to include the word “Ohio” in the title. The rules and laws may be different in different states. Learn the laws in your state.
Have you thought about getting a conceal and carry license in response to the violence across the country? I have. Several years ago, my husband and I both decided it was time to learn how to properly shoot a gun and how to defend ourselves and our home. Reasons for this include increased home break-ins in our area, more theft from cars and out-buildings in our town, increased violence in larger cities, and increased school shootings, along with many other reasons. We can all see the intense violence in areas where people are trying to do away with police and law enforcement. If I have to defend my own property, I want to do it correctly and safely.
The first thing we did was research several guns and weapons online and read user reviews. We talked to several friends about what kind of guns and holsters they use. This helped us determine which handguns would be most beneficial for us to learn how to shoot and practice with and what kind of pistols to get for our conceal and carry weapons. We watched several videos online about how to use and shoot these weapons. We practiced shooting several times at targets. It finally came to the point when we were ready to take the next step and signed up for an official NWOP Basic Pistol Shooting Course/Concealed Carry Training. This 8-hour class cost $80 each and consisted of 6 hours in a classroom and 2 hours on a shooting range. The class was very informal but packed full of information. We learned a lot and at the end of the class each one of us took a test and had to pass in order to receive a certificate of completion.
After receiving this certificate of completion we were able to go online to the Ohio Attorney General Website at and download and print the application we needed to fill out. We then took these completed applications and the certificate of completion received from our class to the local Sheriff’s Office. We were interviewed, fingerprinted, and had our photo taken. It cost an additional $69.00 for each license. After our background checks were cleared, we received our licenses in the mail about 3 weeks later. We have been practicing with the guns and shooting and cleaning them. We have learned the laws. Learning to get comfortable using our guns is important. I am now confident in my ability to defend myself should anyone think they need to harass me or steal from me. It is not just about carrying a weapon, but learning self-defense techniques as well.
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, many cities across the country are seeing a significant rise in burglaries and break-ins. Property crimes, vehicle crimes, and domestic violence crimes are in the news daily. No one is prophetic enough to know where this country will be tomorrow or on Wednesday, November 4, let alone a year from now. The writing is on the wall, as the saying goes. If you are concerned about protecting yourself and your family, then take whatever steps you feel necessary to make yourself feel safer. For me it was learning how to shoot a gun and defend myself.