I haven’t journaled much about the last three days in the RV. I’ve been inspired to write about other things. We took a hiatus from sightseeing for a few days and stayed inside doing nothing too interesting.
Wednesday, the 27th, we drove to Walmart in Foley, picked up some groceries, and ordered our monthly prescriptions for refills.
Thursday, we drove back to Walmart to pick up our prescriptions and decided to get the oil changed in the car. Seems it was past due.
Today is Friday and we are moving across the street. Originally, we were scheduled to only stay in this campground for one month, so we were camped in a spot that was already reserved for January through March.
If you look at the main photo above, you will notice that there is an empty spot beside us, and the people coming in are traveling together and wanting to camp side by side.
When we asked to stay for another month our only option was if we moved to a single spot across the street. Yes, that is fine with us. It makes us feel as if we traveled to a new place.
Previously we were facing west which allowed us to watch the sunset at night when sitting outside under the awning. Now we are facing east and will be viewing the sunrise in the morning with our coffee.
The two empty spots are ready for the new neighbors. I wonder who they are and where they are from.
It is quite chilly here today but the sun is shining and the blue sky is practically cloudless.
We have more shade on this side of the street. That can be a good thing when it’s hot, or not so good when it’s cooler.
We were completely moved and set back up by noon.
I dug out some yarn and decided to crochet while watching television.
I love making things like this. Maybe next year for Christmas everyone will get placemats.
Thanks for letting me share my day with you.